Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sunday, June 20th

Today was a day off for everyone...except the counselors. We had to patrol campus while students participated in electives, went to the pool, slept in their rooms, or hung out with visiting parents and friends.

I helped out in the ballroom dancing class. I learned the guys part of the dances so everyone would have a partner to dance with. I had no trouble changing my foot work, I kept mixing up my frame (arm position)! After that I went to the vocal coaching elective and listened to students perform an audition style solo. Very cool.

After the visitors left and the electives were over, it was time for the variety show. Every act was required to have a student from more than one discipline involved. There were so many great acts! Some counselors did a few skits between acts, funny stuff.

After dinner the students enjoyed more free time with an ice cream social, karaoke, and generally hanging out around campus. No rest for the weary, counselors were in charge of patrolling campus. We managed to get in a quick game of croquet in the courtyard.

(10am - 10:30pm = 12.5 hrs) (This week's total = 12.5 hrs) (GT = 172)

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