Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday, June 12th

Today is the day! OAI has spent all year raising funds and preparing for the next two weeks of the amazing adventure that is the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute!
In the morning the counselors joined the faculty for a group improv class. Then it was back to our housing areas to prepare for the arrival of the students.
The students began to arrive in the late afternoon and the rest of the day was filled with orientations, welcomes, and meet-n-greets.
All the classes met for an hour after dinner. In the Film/Video trailer we had the students tell us a little about themselves, their experience, and particular interested when it comes to filmmaking. There are 16 students, 8 are returning from last year, so there is a good mix of veterans and newbies. Blayne passed out a syllabus with a rough idea of how we would spend the next 2 weeks and what we will do for our final screening. Right now the idea is to split into a couple groups, and produce at least 2 narrative shorts, and maybe a short documentary or two.
Later on that evening I had my first "cabin" meeting. I have a group of 11 girls from different disciplines that I will meet with every night. In the meeting I will make announcements, but for the most part I'm there to listen. These next two weeks are grueling, for the faculty and staff, but ESPECIALLY the students. I remember when I was a student. It-was-hard. So hopefully I can be a good sounding board for some frustrated students.
Until tomorrow.

(Sat: 9:45am-10:15pm= 12.5hrs) (GT= 57 hrs)

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