Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Friday, June 18th

Today is the first day of Visitor’s Weekend.

Class was spent on pre-production for the final videos. Each group made shot lists, storyboards, prop lists and then presented their plan to the class.

Al took the two D.P.s (Directors of Photography) from each group and challenged them to a contest. He gave everyone a list of shots to get, and the group that best achieved each shot would win an equipment upgrade for their project.

John Stevenson, co-director of Kung Fu Panda, was the guest artist and gave an inspiring lecture on his career, and being a working artist. He started out his career working on The Muppets with Jim Henson. He said Henson was an excellent leader who led by inspiration and by respecting those who worked for him, not intimidating them. Thus Stevenson’s key bit of advice: Don’t be a jerk.

(8:30 – 11pm = 14.5hrs) (This Week Total = 87 hrs) (GT = 144)

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