Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saturday, June 19th

Al revealed the winners of the D.P. shot list contest today. Good Job Preston and Dane! Their footage looked really great. There are so many talented students, I can’t wait to see their final projects.

Today was the VIP day of Visitor’s Weekend. During our afternoon classes Donors, OAI board members, and other important people toured the classrooms and OSAI campus. Unfortunately they didn’t get to see us in action because John Stevenson came to our class to talk more intimately with the film students. He reiterated many points from his talk last night, adding more detail and answering the student’s questions.

The performance tonight was the premiere of the 2010 Institute Chorus and Orchestra. It was great! Although, very frustrating for the counselors. It’s our job all week to drill the students on concert etiquette, no talking, cell phones, feet on chairs, climbing over chairs, clapping between movements, screaming (only low pitch wooos)…but when the parents and visitors are there it’s awful! These adults are breaking every rule we have! A true reminder that maturity does not correlate with age.

(8:30 – 12pm = 15.5hrs) (This Week Total = 102.5 hrs) (GT = 159.5)

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